Thursday, April 9, 2009

An Insane One on One

Time to subscribe to Tony's One-On-One!

Along with Tony's real-life workout series, where you get to follow along with the man as he trains in his personal gym, last fall we released a sneak peek at ChaLEAN Extreme to people who were subscribed. Then at holiday time, we shipped a bonus DVD with Tony and his helpers. But if you're a subscriber this May, not only will you get Tony's personal "Recovery 4 Results" routine, but the best bonus ever is about to show up in the mail.

We are releasing the entire Plyometric Cardio Circuit (42 minutes) from the Shaun T's new Insanity series along with the May issue of One on One!

Not a sneak peak... an entire workout. But if you're wondering what kind of workout would be called "Insanity", here is a sneak peek of this program that will light up the fitness world in 2009:

Insanity is the most intense and thorough cardio-intensive program ever set to DVD. We expect it to launch in summer 2009 with a base Configuration of 10 workouts, including:

1. Dig Deeper/Fit Test

2. Plyometric Cardio Circuit

3. Cardio Power & Resistance

4. Cardio Recovery/Max Recovery

5. Pure Cardio/Cardio Abs

6. Cardio Abs

7. Core Cardio & Balance

8. Max Interval Circuit

9. Max Interval Plyo

10. Max Cardio Conditioning/Cardio Abs

Plus it will include the Insanity Fitness guide (which will be brief... we want you moving, not reading!), the Elite Nutrition guide and Wall calendar.

Pure and Simple

We've just released two new specialty titles under the YBB brand: Yoga Booty Ballet "Pure & Simple Yoga" (with Gillian) and Yoga Booty Ballet "Baby On the Way" (with Teigh).

They are available at through your Beachbody Coach, or

Gillian takes you through an exhilarating routine with classic yoga without any difficult choreography.

Teigh shares her pregnancy workout for expectant mothers to get you or that mom-to-be on your gift list ready for the special delivery.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Thought I'd Never See This

My sister Robin is in town with her family for spring break, and her 10 year old son Josef is notorious for picky eating, to the extreme. I'm talking about living on Lucky Charms, white bread, juice, pasta with tomato sauce (as long as there are no lumps), and sometimes a piece of cheese. I can't blame him, because I was the same way.

Today I went to the Shakeology website for some Greenberry recipe ideas to see if we could get him to consume something healthy, and decided to go with the "Sunrise". (I also added a raw egg and banana in there. I'm like the Iron Chef of shakes)

It was like one of those "Hey Mikey, he likes it" moments. Instead of looking at the green drink and saying "no way", Josef took a sip, smiled with what teeth he has, and kept sucking on that straw. My sister was almost teary to see him get real nutrition for a change. My daughter Ava saw his reaction and had to have her own. Feeding the kids a good lunch was NEVER this easy!

Shakeology continues to amaze me. The health benefits, the success stories, and the sheer enthusiasm people have for something that delivers all this nutrition in a package that tastes this good seems to have struck a chord. Even Chalene Johnson went off on the product in her blog the other day. Even vegetarian Tony Horton, who has professed a devotion to the health-junky's Kombucha (I can't even get this stuff up to my lips) wouldn't let the production team leave the house the other day unless they left behind the two bags of Shakeology they brought with them during a recent One-On-One shoot.

The revolution continues to gain momentum, fueled by the healthiest meal of the day!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Heads Up In Atlanta!

In Sunday night's baseball season opener I am going to be torn between two teams: My hometown Phillies and the Atlanta Braves.

On one hand I'll be cheering the World Champs on to another great season, but on the other hand, I will want to see Atlanta's Matt Diaz light the place up because now he and I have something in common.

Here's what I read in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution today about Atlanta's fielder Matt Diaz who lost 30 pounds in the off season... Guess how:

Braves Q&A with Matt Diaz
Thursday, April 02, 2009

Do you want to know what Brave fell for an infomercial? Read on about Matt Diaz...

Q. How did you lose 30 pounds this offseason?

A. I hate to admit it, but I did an infomercial. … My wife ordered P90X. I saw her doing her leg workout, and it was similar to stuff I did in rehab. I thought that’d be a good way to ease my way back into weightlifting. After a week you realize there’s no easing into that workout.

Q. You watch videos as you work out?

A. They send you 12 videos with 12 different workouts and a diet plan. If you want it, it gives you recipes for every meal, six meals a day …. We moved our kids upstairs out of the nursery and changed the nursery into a P90X room. We got a pull-up bar and dumbbells. … I’d do a P90X workout with my wife in the morning, a baseball workout in the afternoon and go jogging with my wife in the evening while dinner was crock-potting.

Beachbody Coaches should love it when people say "I hate to admit it" about doing our videos. That just shows you how timely the decision is to become a distributor of our programs. Most people are still programmed to think that schlepping to the gym or paying a personal trainer is the only "respectable" way to get in shape.

But as we add success story after success story and star upon star to our customer list, the tipping point is approaching, and the $18 Billion gym business will shift as 200 million overweight Americans realize they can get fast results right at home with the support of a community that is focused on people helping people get real results!

Thanks for being a part of the solution! Let's end the trend now Atlanta!