Time to subscribe to Tony's One-On-One!
Along with Tony's real-life workout series, where you get to follow along with the man as he trains in his personal gym, last fall we released a sneak peek at ChaLEAN Extreme to people who were subscribed. Then at holiday time, we shipped a bonus DVD with Tony and his helpers. But if you're a subscriber this May, not only will you get Tony's personal "Recovery 4 Results" routine, but the best bonus ever is about to show up in the mail.
We are releasing the entire Plyometric Cardio Circuit (42 minutes) from the Shaun T's new Insanity series along with the May issue of One on One!
Not a sneak peak... an entire workout. But if you're wondering what kind of workout would be called "Insanity", here is a sneak peek of this program that will light up the fitness world in 2009:
Insanity is the most intense and thorough cardio-intensive program ever set to DVD. We expect it to launch in summer 2009 with a base Configuration of 10 workouts, including:
1. Dig Deeper/Fit Test
2. Plyometric Cardio Circuit
3. Cardio Power & Resistance
4. Cardio Recovery/Max Recovery
5. Pure Cardio/Cardio Abs
6. Cardio Abs
7. Core Cardio & Balance
8. Max Interval Circuit
9. Max Interval Plyo
10. Max Cardio Conditioning/Cardio Abs
Plus it will include the Insanity Fitness guide (which will be brief... we want you moving, not reading!), the Elite Nutrition guide and Wall calendar.