Sunday, January 18, 2009

What Economic Downturn?

I got this email below from coach Judy Zavislak. Whenever someone writes me to say that a post within this blog motivated them to take action, or a Beachbody product or idea we created changed their life, or our customer service people turned a Beachbody complaint into a transformational transaction, I am grateful and proud of what we are building.

This email is juts another example that, the concept of using your own income potential as the motivation to get healthy in fit is for real. I hope more coaches see it that way - especially those who feel like the business is not yet serving them. in my experience, that usually means they haven't embraced the authenticity of the comprehensive approach to this lifestyle. Your example of health and fitness is what inspires people to believe that you are not selling them products, you are simply an example of what works.

Thanks Judy, and thanks to all our coaches who are spreading the word that Beachbody is the total solution! You are the ones who will enjoy the income in 2009 when this concept reaches its tipping point! Let the new Year's resolution rush begin!

Hi Carl. Well, today is the day that most people are thinking about 2009 and changes they would like to see in their lives. I can’t help but reflect back on my journey the past two years. At the end of 2006, I had reached a point where I just HAD to make a change. I’ve never been severely overweight, but I had around 15-20 pounds that plagued me ever since my daughter was born in 1997. Sure, I knew how to lose the weight. I did it SEVERAL times. What I didn’t know was how to make it STICK!

So, heading into 2007, I was looking for solutions. First I looked at what had worked in the past for me. The first thing that came to mind was the Beachbody message boards. When I’m reading and posting on a regular basis, I find that I’m more motivated to work out and eat right. So, I reconnected with some Beachbody friends, and started logging my workouts into WOWY. But, I had done all of that before, and had STILL lost focus. I needed more.

Then one day, I was reading your blog entries from December of 2006. The title was “The Miracle CEO Weight Loss System”. You had stayed consistent with your fitness program because now you were the CEO of a fitness company, and you were now offering that opportunity to all of us. This intrigued me, so I asked my coach (Traci Morrow) a few questions and decided to give it a try! I started my business with only my own accountability as my goal.

What an interesting two years it has been. I lost 20 pounds, and haven’t gained back more than a few pounds at a time. I work out consistently, and I’m constantly learning new ways to incorporate healthy habits into my lifestyle. So, your idea that this could work for anyone has certainly been true for me. As I’m encouraging the people I coach, it encourages me. I get so much more from these new friends than they will ever know. That alone would make it SO worth it, but the icing on the cake is that I’m able to make enough money to more than cover my mortgage each month! I got laid off from a job I worked at for over 20 years, so you have no idea how much it means to have at least that one bill covered.

For the first time in a long time, I’m ending the year excited about what I’ve accomplished and doubly excited for what is to come!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity!

Judy Zavislak

1 comment:

zavislak said...

I am SO blessed! Thank you so much Carl, everyone at Beachbody, and all of the Team Beachbody community! My success continues because of the support of all of you!
