Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Society of the Spectacle

Society of the Spectacle (a digital remix) was quite entertaining... I agree with other people that the text was hard to read because your eye constantly wanders to the barrage of images racing across the screen. But I think this was definitely intentional. We are living in a time where everything, especially technological advances, must be faster and better than the next in order to survive. With this race of technology, how is the common person supposed to stay connected to this ever-changing, ever-growing world? With all of the news and world events being brought to us by blogs, radio, newspaper, television, etc, it is almost impossible to stay in the loop. In SOS, the subtitles seem to imply the desire that we have as humans to want to know what is going on; but we as humans also become easily distracted. The visuals feed our distraction, and our eyes eventually settle on letting the images penetrate our mind. This work seems to emphasize the basic nature of our lives and the fact that we will never be able to understand and know exactly what is happening with everything, everywhere.

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