Thursday, April 9, 2009

An Insane One on One

Time to subscribe to Tony's One-On-One!

Along with Tony's real-life workout series, where you get to follow along with the man as he trains in his personal gym, last fall we released a sneak peek at ChaLEAN Extreme to people who were subscribed. Then at holiday time, we shipped a bonus DVD with Tony and his helpers. But if you're a subscriber this May, not only will you get Tony's personal "Recovery 4 Results" routine, but the best bonus ever is about to show up in the mail.

We are releasing the entire Plyometric Cardio Circuit (42 minutes) from the Shaun T's new Insanity series along with the May issue of One on One!

Not a sneak peak... an entire workout. But if you're wondering what kind of workout would be called "Insanity", here is a sneak peek of this program that will light up the fitness world in 2009:

Insanity is the most intense and thorough cardio-intensive program ever set to DVD. We expect it to launch in summer 2009 with a base Configuration of 10 workouts, including:

1. Dig Deeper/Fit Test

2. Plyometric Cardio Circuit

3. Cardio Power & Resistance

4. Cardio Recovery/Max Recovery

5. Pure Cardio/Cardio Abs

6. Cardio Abs

7. Core Cardio & Balance

8. Max Interval Circuit

9. Max Interval Plyo

10. Max Cardio Conditioning/Cardio Abs

Plus it will include the Insanity Fitness guide (which will be brief... we want you moving, not reading!), the Elite Nutrition guide and Wall calendar.

Pure and Simple

We've just released two new specialty titles under the YBB brand: Yoga Booty Ballet "Pure & Simple Yoga" (with Gillian) and Yoga Booty Ballet "Baby On the Way" (with Teigh).

They are available at through your Beachbody Coach, or

Gillian takes you through an exhilarating routine with classic yoga without any difficult choreography.

Teigh shares her pregnancy workout for expectant mothers to get you or that mom-to-be on your gift list ready for the special delivery.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Thought I'd Never See This

My sister Robin is in town with her family for spring break, and her 10 year old son Josef is notorious for picky eating, to the extreme. I'm talking about living on Lucky Charms, white bread, juice, pasta with tomato sauce (as long as there are no lumps), and sometimes a piece of cheese. I can't blame him, because I was the same way.

Today I went to the Shakeology website for some Greenberry recipe ideas to see if we could get him to consume something healthy, and decided to go with the "Sunrise". (I also added a raw egg and banana in there. I'm like the Iron Chef of shakes)

It was like one of those "Hey Mikey, he likes it" moments. Instead of looking at the green drink and saying "no way", Josef took a sip, smiled with what teeth he has, and kept sucking on that straw. My sister was almost teary to see him get real nutrition for a change. My daughter Ava saw his reaction and had to have her own. Feeding the kids a good lunch was NEVER this easy!

Shakeology continues to amaze me. The health benefits, the success stories, and the sheer enthusiasm people have for something that delivers all this nutrition in a package that tastes this good seems to have struck a chord. Even Chalene Johnson went off on the product in her blog the other day. Even vegetarian Tony Horton, who has professed a devotion to the health-junky's Kombucha (I can't even get this stuff up to my lips) wouldn't let the production team leave the house the other day unless they left behind the two bags of Shakeology they brought with them during a recent One-On-One shoot.

The revolution continues to gain momentum, fueled by the healthiest meal of the day!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Heads Up In Atlanta!

In Sunday night's baseball season opener I am going to be torn between two teams: My hometown Phillies and the Atlanta Braves.

On one hand I'll be cheering the World Champs on to another great season, but on the other hand, I will want to see Atlanta's Matt Diaz light the place up because now he and I have something in common.

Here's what I read in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution today about Atlanta's fielder Matt Diaz who lost 30 pounds in the off season... Guess how:

Braves Q&A with Matt Diaz
Thursday, April 02, 2009

Do you want to know what Brave fell for an infomercial? Read on about Matt Diaz...

Q. How did you lose 30 pounds this offseason?

A. I hate to admit it, but I did an infomercial. … My wife ordered P90X. I saw her doing her leg workout, and it was similar to stuff I did in rehab. I thought that’d be a good way to ease my way back into weightlifting. After a week you realize there’s no easing into that workout.

Q. You watch videos as you work out?

A. They send you 12 videos with 12 different workouts and a diet plan. If you want it, it gives you recipes for every meal, six meals a day …. We moved our kids upstairs out of the nursery and changed the nursery into a P90X room. We got a pull-up bar and dumbbells. … I’d do a P90X workout with my wife in the morning, a baseball workout in the afternoon and go jogging with my wife in the evening while dinner was crock-potting.

Beachbody Coaches should love it when people say "I hate to admit it" about doing our videos. That just shows you how timely the decision is to become a distributor of our programs. Most people are still programmed to think that schlepping to the gym or paying a personal trainer is the only "respectable" way to get in shape.

But as we add success story after success story and star upon star to our customer list, the tipping point is approaching, and the $18 Billion gym business will shift as 200 million overweight Americans realize they can get fast results right at home with the support of a community that is focused on people helping people get real results!

Thanks for being a part of the solution! Let's end the trend now Atlanta!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Ultimate Network

Do you know why do some people have such incredible success with a home-based business and so many others fail?

Is it the product?

Is it the skillset of the person?


...Easy To Follow Instructions?

...Your Mindset?

...Your Dedication?

...Your Effort?

Many businesses have some or all of the above, as long as you're willing to do your part and put in the necessary time and effort. BUT, many businesses over-promise and under-deliver the ONE MAJOR COMPONENT that separates the good from the GREAT opportunities. That is:

Personal Mentoring and Support!

Carl Daikeler Hi, my name is Carl Daikeler and I'm willing to act as your personal online business and marketing consultant and I'll point you in the right direction to help you make money online.

Before we get started, I want you to know..

Skepticism is healthy and encouraged because there are some dishonest people and scams going around the Internet. Fortunately, these are the exception, not the rule. It's important for you to feel 100% confident about trusting me to help you make money online before we go any further.

That's why I am giving you my personal cell phone number right now to personally speak with me. I want you to know that I'm a sincere and trustworthy person. So, please call and understand that I am truly dedicated to your success and I’ll be happy to talk on the phone and answer all your questions.

Fair enough?

Having said that, I'm not going to make outlandish statements promising you riches sitting at home in your underwear. I'm not going to promise you overnight millions with one click of your mouse. I'm not going to tell you that you can make $10,000 in 10 minutes with no associated business start-up costs or work.

I am going to share with you my success story and how you can simply and easily work with me to copy what I've already done.

Financial Meltdown Leads To

Rock Star Success

"They" say that something can happen in your life that changes it forever. For me, it happened back in 1994.

I had recently lost my job and found myself in complete financial ruin when a friend of mine introduced me to a new direct sales/network marketing company. Having no previous experience or pre-conceived notions about the industry I decided to dive in with everything I had.

Somehow, through hard work and perseverance (and maybe a little luck), our business exploded to over 40,000 business associates!!!! That's right 40 THOUSAND associates.

In March of 2005, we decided to join one of the largest health and wellness network marketing companies in the U.S. and in our first year had one of the fastest growing organizations in the company. We went on to help promote many more business leaders to success in record breaking time.

Our mission has always been to coach, teach and care about the people we have as partners. We have discovered the secret of "Rock Star Success" in Network Marketing and are willing to share with you how you can too, if you care about the people that you work with.

Fast forward to the Fall of 2008. My wife and I found what we feel is an idea, company and opportunity who's time has come that I would like to share with you today.

A Real Business...

I have a very solid, real business opportunity to share with you that may very well change your life forever. I have assembled a team of professional consultants that are standing by to personally help you grow an income from home. And most importantly, I stand by every word that I write on this page.

In fact, since we have new distributors joining our business EVERY SINGLE DAY, I'm not desperate for your business, but I do want to help YOU. I would of course like to offer you the opportunity to work with me and my team, however please understand that if you decide not to fill one of the available positions soon, somebody else that we talk to will gladly take your spot.

Most importantly over the next few minutes, whether you think our business model makes sense or not, my job is to educate you on HOW to have success in an online business, whether you have one already or not, and how you can join us in the growth of the largest team in the company.

The 5 Key Components

Of Successful Businesses

1. Unique Products:

Products must be unique enough to get patents, and the products have to serve the masses with 1 main focus.

2. Company Stability:

The ability to give you long-term business and financial security, based on their company and business history.

3. Marketing System:

System to advertise and market using online and offline marketing techniques that are simple and duplicatable for a new member.

4. Company Management:

Must be led by already successful leaders in business with a vision for explosive growth.

5. Compensation & Incentives:

Maximize your income based on your efforts. Must payout at least 50% of sales, must offer up front bonuses, must offer other rewards and recognition, you must be able to achieve $10,000/month true residual income with less than 500 people in the organization.

Let's Copy One Of The Most Successful

Business Models In History...


Franchising is well under-rated because of the high start-up costs ($100,000+) involved with most traditional and recognizable franchises, which makes it virtually impossible for the average person (like you and me) to get started.

On the other hand, Network Marketing is well over-rated because of the high failure rates, which make it virtually impossible for a new person to make a reasonable income from home.

But if you combine the TWO - Franchising and Network create a business model with a HIGH SUCCESS RATE and AFFORDABLE START-UP COST.

We've combined traditional Franchising concepts with Network Marketing in an unbeatable system that literally takes you by the hand and will lead you to success just like a Franchise. If you were virtually guaranteed to succeed based on the previous successes of 1000's of others that have followed the same path that you have started on - would you still be nervous, or would you jump in with both feet?

The Opportunity

Right now you find yourself at a crossroads, and you have a decision in front of you that will very well lead you on the path that you will live for the rest of your life. You can let your pride get in the way of you becoming ultra-successful in a short period of time and simply say..."no James, I'm not sure this will work for me, or I'm building this or that, or I know what I'm doing already"...or you can bite the bullet like I did and admit that it's important to have mentors that are more successful than you are.

As I write this today, I know that I've given up a great opportunity by following this path, however I've opened the door to an even BIGGER opportunity for myself and my family. I see a huge opportunity for my own personal growth and have partnered with several individuals that are more successful than I am. Combined these individuals are responsible for TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars in sales in home-based it makes sense that not only partnering with them is smart, but also that they probably have a thing or two that they can teach me...and YOU too.

Listen To An Overview Of

The Opportunity With Immunotec

We are positioned, with Immunotec and my team's marketing skills and contacts, to create several people making in excess of $100,000 per month in the next 24 - 48 months. The question is: "Do you want to be one of those people?". And if you don't succeed and miserably fail with this opportunity you may very well still be able to earn a measly income of $50,000 per month, $20,000 per month, or even as low as $10,000 per month...

What exactly am I talking about?

Well, if I were to show you how to accomplish the following 5 steps in an easy to understand and implement way, do you think that you would have a much greater chance of succeeding by copying what I already do to have success?

5 Easy Steps To Success

1. Get Referrals

If you had access to a never-ending supply of potential customers walking in your "store" on a daily basis would that be good for business? Of course it would. That's exactly what we teach you to get. We will show you simple, but not widely known ways to get people to call you or fill out a request form on a website asking for more information about your business. This is the easy part, if you can follow simple instructions and have between 5-10 hours per week you can do this business.

2. Give Them This Website For Information

I realize that this will sound so simple, that maybe it's not true. Well, let me tell you from personal experience that all I do is simply give out this website address when people call me or email me asking for information about our opportunity. If you can send an email or talk on the phone, you can do this!

3. Help Them Get Started

Many people that request information about our business really just want to know two things....How Do I Make Money and Will You Help Me Do It? The greatest part about this business is that we give everyone a personal business coach to help you with everything you could possibly need in your business. This is why we use the term FRANCHISE. There will be no guess work, we will help you every step of the way and your personal business coach is just an email or phone call away!

4. Show Them Our Training Resources and Introduce Them To Me!

If you had to show your new member what to do and how to do it, wouldn't you like some help with that? We provide just that. Not only step by step instructions on how to build a business, but also live personal training with myself and other top leaders in our company. Just simply introduce them to me, and we'll help you get them started fast.

5. Do it all again.

The way to true financial freedom is to follow successful people and do what they do over and over and over again until you reach the level of success that you desire. Although it may take a bit of time for you to learn how to complete the first 4 steps...once you learn how to do them, the rest is easy, because you just repeat them over and over.

The Products

I'm not going to go into a huge discussion about how great the Immunotec products are at this point. I'd rather let the researchers, doctors and experts show you why the Immunotec products and specifically Immunocal is so effective for it's customers.

As a home-based business owner you DO NOT need to become a product expert, you just need to know where to get the information for your potential customers and distributors. I'll make it easy for you...just show them the video on this page!

For a better understanding of our Immunocal, watch the video below:

The Money

There is never going to be a better time to start then now. Consider this: You will be plugged into a Top Network Marketing team in the industry using a Top Internet Marketing system, and a team of Skilled Leaders that will show you the path to your success.

We only get paid when you get paid.

The most lucrative part of this compensation plan are the "Matching Bonuses". Which means that you will get paid bonuses when you build your business. This means that I get paid based on your success.

So, in this case - SIZE MATTERS.

The size of your check is in direct relation to the size of mine. So the more money I help you earn...the closer I get to my really BIG paycheck. With this opportunity you are going to be choosing how big your check gets yourself...with nothing to possibly hold you back.

To view full overview of the Immunotec Compensation Plan - Click Here

I Want To Help YOU Make All Of

Your Dreams A Reality

You see it's really quite easy get everything that you ever dreamed of, if you learn what the Successful Marketers are doing.

In order to best help you, I've actually recruited a Top Network Marketing Mentor in the Industry. He's made well over 7 figures online, recruited and trained 100,000's of people and I've convinced him to personally mentor YOU.

His name is Joel Broughton.

Let's Meet Your New Personal Business Mentor Joel...

Joel Broughton

September 1999:

I was introduced to the largest Direct Sales company in Network Marketing, and with zero experience and very little direction, did not produce any results. Actually that's not true, I got a $6.34 check when I bought my own products.

December 2002:

Divorced, Broke, Bankrupt, Single Dad to twin boys (3 years old), working 2 jobs to support myself and my boys...hitting rock bottom. But, I never once thought that I wouldn't make it.

November 2002 - April 2003:

I was introduced to an opportunity and taught how "to sell" people into my deal. It was great for me, I enrolled 70+ people in a few short months...not so great for them as they couldn't do what I was doing.

April 2003-November 2005:

Yet again another company, but this time a different angle, and this time we developed a plan and system using conference calls, calling leads, training our people, which took me to a mid 6-figure income level.

November 2005:

I discovered the Internet! What a difference automation makes to a business. Now moving into over 6 figures monthly and also creating several people making $1,000's/month and $10,000's/month. I am now confident in not only my ability to make it very big, but also my abilities to teach others to do the same. I developed a team of over 240,000 members in the next 3 years.

May - July 2008:

I created a Network Marketing Sponsoring system that put in 2100+ people in less than 90 Days.

August 2008:

Top Personal Sponsor for a Summer Cash Promo Contest - personally sponsored more people in just 14 Days, than anyone in the ENTIRE company did throughout the entire 3 month summer contest.

September 2008:

Consulted an organization to the TOP level of a company within 5 days of starting, achieved the TOP rank level with 15 leaders and over 200+ members and qualified for a $50,000 income and bonus pool check.

January 2009 and Beyond:

Personally consulting and helping YOU grow your Network Marketing business. There has never been a better time to get involved in this industry. I'm here to help you, what will you achieve with this opportunity?

I'd like to invite you to allow us to mentor you to have immediate success online and start making money right away!

We Are Currently Accepting Students/Business Partners To Become Part Of Our Exclusive Network Marketing Team

You will be on the phone with us each week - exclusive only to our team, where we will personally help you make a full-time income with your business in a very short period of time...regardless of your Internet Experience, Money Situation, or previous Levels of Success. This means we will help YOU!

We will mentor and guide you every step of the way....and we're staking our entire reputation on helping you get to a full-time income level using the power of Network Marketing....AND we're going to do it LIVE in front of the world, so that everyone can bear witness to the power of the Internet Marketing Systems and techniques that we teach.

We will literally transform average people (including you) into Network Marketing Superstars! And by the way, YOU might even be able to be one of the lucky people to take part in one of our LIVE Events.

It's been said across the business world that your success will be determined based on who you hang around with and who you choose to do business with.

So what's your GAME PLAN for achieving success?

Click Here to Get Started

To make sure you have zero risk we offer our..

Iron Clad – No Questions Asked,

No Hassle, 100% Unconditional

Money Back Guarantee!

If for any reason, you don’t feel the business and products are worth what you paid, simply call our offices for a no hassle, no hard feelings full and complete refund. How’s that for confidence? No questions asked. I'm so confident about the amazing value that we're offering to you with this program. By offering a full money back guarantee, I'm giving you plenty of time to study and implement the information. If you’re not happy or feel it didn’t help you for any reason, you’re getting your money back.

But That's Not All...Here Are Five (5) FREE BONUSES That I've Setup Just For YOU As A Member To Ensure You Will Succeed

Free Bonus #1:

40-60 FREE Real Time Leads Per Week*

($200 - $300/Month Value - FREE)

These leads consistently rate FIRST in the "most bang for the buck" category! These prospects will be very responsive to your home business offer. These short-form leads are delivered to you weekly.

These leads are generated from both large networks comprised of thousands of websites as well as opt-in email lists. We use specific lead forms that rotate often to keep the content fresh and help keep the prospects the most responsive in the industry.

*Provided by Team

Free Bonus #2: Team Website*

(Retail Price: $39.95/Month - Yours FREE)

You will get our Team website, which will allow you to offer the same opportunity, mentoring, coaching, and bonuses that we're offering you today. We will personally help and mentor your team as well.

You will also get exclusive access to our live and recorded training calls, video tutorials and live webinars.

*Provided by Team

Free Bonus #3:

Mike G's Net Marketing Mega Course*

(Retail Price: $189 - Yours FREE)

Michael T. Glaspie

(Mike G.)

"Net Marketers call me their Secret Weapon"

You will get my good friend and business associate Mike G's "Net Marketing" Mega Course FREE. The Most Powerful, Star-Studded Internet Marketing Course of The Year!

Now includes 29 Hours of Audio Recordings in separate 1 hour training modules... Mike G at his Best!

Also included in Mike G's course are top online marketers that have all agreed to spill their guts and reveal their most guarded secrets. This is stuff you've never heard before! Each speaker will take you through the exact process they employ to reach astronomical success in simple and concise detail. You'll hear from Jack Humphrey, Shawn Casey, Mark Joyner, Jim Fleck, Oliver Bigler, Mike Enos, Shannon Denniston, Ken McArthur, and Chris Mriscin.

Seize Your Potential and Prosper with Net Marketing!

*Provided by Team

Free Bonus #4:

Phone Techniques That You Can Enroll

Virtually Everyone That You Speak

with Ariana Reed

(value $199.97)

Ariana Reed is a 7-Figure Income Earner in Network Marketing. She has built teams in excess of 18,000 members, trained over 250,000 home business entrepreneurs, and has had her websites ranked in the top 1000 websites worldwide with over 38,000 women logging in weekly.

In this exclusive workshop, Ariana shows you how to easily enroll virtually everyone that you speak with on the phone. She shares her mastery of communication techniques that you can easily copy. Also included are easy to implement key techniques that you can start using today to build your business faster than ever before.

You will be amazed at how a few small "changes" can produce BIG RESULTS.

*Provided by Team

Free Bonus #5:

Weekly Coaching with James Cummaro

and Joel Broughton

James and Joel have coached over 250,000 people to online success in Network Marketing. They will personally walk you through each step of the way as you learn how to:

Online Step-By-Step Audio Tutorials that make it easy for even a Beginner to have Instant Success With The One Game Plan Mentoring System

Live Interactive Training With Your Top Mentors and Other Top Marketers

*Provided by Team

If you're down here still reading, you probably just need some re-assurance that everything we've talked about can help you make money from home. Or maybe you have some questions about the opportunity.

This truly is an opportunity that you won't want to pass up. Be an action taker and fill out the form below to speak with a business mentor.

Your Friend and Mentor,

James Cummaro

P.S. Opportunities don't go away...they just go to somebody else.

Team Application Form

Yes, I have more questions before I get started

or I want to start now. Please contact me ASAP.*

First Name: *

Last Name: *

Email: * *

Phone: *

Please call me I have more questions. Please call me I want to get started.

Please Wait...

*Please note this opportunity is currently only available in the United States and Canada

Members Area

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shakeology and the "Powerful Rejuvenator"

If you've ever wandered the aisles of a vitamin store, you've probably been as perplexed as I have been about just how many of these little bottles am I supposed to use each day to have energy, great health, etc. etc?

That's what's great about Shakeology... A whole lot of those supplements exist in their high quality, whole food form, in a high-protein chocolate or berry shake.
We talk a lot about how Shakeology gives you energy, but it's not caffeine and sugar energy like Red-Bull type energy drinks. I think one of the Shakeology ingredients which is responsible for that quality energy is Ashwagandha, also known as Rasayana which means "Powerful Rejuvenator" in Ayurvedic. According to some reading I've done, it has been used for thousands of years to treat inflammation, fevers, and to protect against infection and illness in India and Africa.
When it comes to energy, the adrenal gland can make or break you. Supporting the adrenals is important especially when you are active. On a site called Tattva's, which sells this herb in an isolated capsule, here's what they say about this interesting Shakeology ingredient, and how it can improve the performance of the adrenals especially in support of your exercise routine:

It has rejuvenative properties that produce energy, which in turn helps the body to calm down and sleep. Thus it helps the body address a stress-related condition rather than masking it with sedatives. Recent research points out that Ashwagandha may be the best herb to take to maintain normal adrenal levels. Caffeine, nicotine, processed foods and processed sugar all take their toll on the adrenal glands and leave the victim fatigued, depressed and often bewildered as to what to do with themselves. One of the special properties of Ashwagandha is that it will enhance Ojas. In Sanskrit, Ojas literally means "vigor" and according to Ayurvedic theory, is the most subtle, refined level of the physical body and, in fact, is its essential energy. Ojas is the sap of one's life energy and is the end result of healthy food which is properly digested. It is responsible for a healthy immune system, reproductive processes, physical strength, lustrous complexion, clarity of mind and sense of well-being. It allows consciousness to flow within the body. With decreased ojas, we are less in touch with ourselves and more prone to weakness, fatigue and to experiencing a sense of disharmony. Ojas depletion can be caused by stress. Ashwagandha is known to relieve the body from these stress-related weaknesses by specializing in the building of ojas and rejuvenating the body, thus maintaining a healthy balance of physical energies. Ashwagandha can also be a natural training aid and its use is becoming popular in sports and athletics. When you train hard, you walk a very fine line between overtraining and training just enough. Even in perfect circumstances, training by itself is a stress on the body. To get the maximum performance from your muscles, you require just the right amount of training coupled with appropriate rest and recovery periods. Overtraining means too much cortisol which leads to the consumption of muscle protein by the body and thus performance suffers. Endurance athletes who train heavily, such as long-distance runners and cyclists, are very prone to infections, as excess cortisol produced in response to the heavy training load suppresses the immune system. It can also lead to muscle and tendon tears because the muscles are weakened due to protein loss under the influence of cortisol.

That's what I love about this shake! Shakeology gives me the confidence of knowing I am getting the best of the best, in one fantastic shake each day, but instead of opening up 70 bottles of pills and powders to get these ingredients, I open up one cool looking bag. Is it lunch time yet?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy 18,000th

18,078 coaches to be specific. That's where we are as of yesterday!

The momentum out of the Summit has been strong, built both by people invigorated to achieve their "Extreme Dream" plus the launch of Shakeology.

Hawaii alone has amazing momentum, perhaps thanks to the hard work of Fran Patoskie's team ("ilovetosweat") plus the excitement of Hawaiian hero Dallas Carter's $250,000 victory in the Million Dollar Body Game. I've heard that even Hawaii's Governor, Linda Lingle, is going to officially recognize Dallas and his healthy transformation in front of the State Senate!

But we're seeing enthusiasm and growth throughout the organization, especially now that the 2008 Top Coaches are back at it.

I also wouldn't be surprised if the "Shakeology Math" is helping. Sure, the Shake as the healthiest meal of the day is worth every penny at $4 a serving retail... beats a Big Mac right? And for people like me who intend to take the Shake every day, becoming a coach can save you around $15 a month. ($120 Shakeology retail minus $30 coach discount plus 14.95 monthly coach fee = $105... not including the bonuses or retail commissions you earn when someone tries the shake and buys or joins because of you!)

Whatever the reason for the ramp in growth, this is our year. Thanks for keeping the momentum going coaches!

20,000 coaches by May!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Rumors Were True

Any Beachbody complaints about not getting noticed by the media are distant history. And P90X is the best free publicist we could have hoped for.

Without spending a dime on endorsements or PR efforts, word continues to spread about the shift in health and fitness from gyms and trainers to our DVD programs, and it seems to be nearing a real tipping point.

First it was Chicago lead singer Jason Scheff who used P90X and the coaching opportunity to motivate himself to get back into shape. Then it was NFL kicker David Akers who's trainer suggested P90X to answer coach Andy Reid's command to get back into pro-bowl condition. Then People ran a story on Poppy Montgomery from Without A Trace. Then we got calls that Sheryl Crow has transformed her body with P90X, and went on and on about it on the red carpet of the Grammys. Then at the Pro Bowl, Baltimore Ravens' super star Ray Lewis told the media he uses P90X.

And then there was a rumor that a "Twitter Tweet" surfaced that Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were asking questions about this P90X thing they keep seeing on TV.

It looks like the rumors were true.
Look what just got posted by People Magazine...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Paradise Continued

Day two and three in Mexico have been a little warmer, and a little more relaxed.

After the exclusive Top Coach cocktail party Monday night, it seemed everyone (including me) got comfortable with the format of TV interviews and business planning by day, mixed with socializing and gourmet meals with these incredibly positive and inspiring coaches.

Last night lead tenor vocalist from Chicago and Beachbody Top Coach Jason Scheff accompanied some of the musically inclined of the group for a couple hours of informal cabaret. At one point he and Tony might have stumbled upon the theme for Shakeology with the refrain, "Excuses, excuses, excuses... there's no more excuses."

The gang just headed out to sight see, and I stayed back to work on the Beachbody Revolution script and catch my plane to get back to the office.

I did a promo for BNN today challenging you to do what it takes to join us next year in Kauai, HI. I really hope you set your sights on the goal and go for it! I just read this quote today. If you're wondering which step to take at this point, maybe which step matters less than taking A STEP:

"Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and woman keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."

~Conrad Hilton~

Monday, March 16, 2009


Hello from the Fairmont at Playa Del Carmen Mexico!

After our first day filled with TV interviews, the Top Coaches just finished a training session with Michael and are about to get together for the exclusive Top Coach cocktail party by the beach.

This is a photo from the welcome reception last night, when the guy was blessing the dinner from a Mayan culture perspective. (Really, there was Citronella in that pot, so you wanted to stand near him to keep the mosquitos away)

And these fire dancers entertained us with a native performance that gave me an idea for a new workout: "Keep those fire numchuks spinning or die".

Wish you were here!

In fact -- If you feel like earning an incredible five star trip like this for the same time next year, I would love nothing more. We're headed to Kauai, Hawaii next year, and bringing a lot more people. Decide. Commit. Succeed! but "You gotta be HUNGRY!" Let's do this!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New Record - A New Extreme

This morning at around 8:25AM PT we shattered the prior WOWY record of 522 people working out at the same time by 460 people! A new record of 982 people all working out at the same time was set!

They didn't have to lug themselves out to a gym and wait in line to take a class... they woke up, put on whatever clothes felt comfortable, and did their workout... with almost a thousand other people from all across the continent!

There were Beachbody staff and management, Tony and Chalene, fit people, big people, coaches, new customers, old friends from early Power 90 Hawaii trips, and finalists from the Million Dollar Body Game. To see the people pile in to this WOWY online Super Gym was more proof of a real revolution - the days of the gym being the default method to get in shape are coming to a close. The era of home-based fitness supported by an enthusiastic online community is here. Welcome home!

My Extreme Dream is coming into focus: One million coaches supporting 100 million customers. We are Beachbody, and we are an unstoppable future!

Thank you team!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Looking good!

With 321 showing up to workout this morning in the WOWY Super Gym, we're looking good for our drive to crush the record this Saturday March 7th at 11AM ET/8AM PT!
It's the kick-off to Dream Extreme week, and we need you and every one you know to show up and make a statement! The revolution has begun!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Health -- The Whole Package

Beachbody has always been about a comprehensive approach to health, fitness and weight loss.

We've created breakthroughs like Power 90, Slim in 6, Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs and P90X. We made easting easier to decipher with the aid of Michi's Ladder. And now we're making great nutrition simpler than ever to achieve with the launch of Shakeology, a true state-of-the-art breakthrough in nutrition.

There's less than a month before we launch our premium health shake at Team and its coaches. And I've been using it for over a year now, every day. And it is literally my favorite meal of the day.

Every time I drink Shakeology I enjoy a rich delicious shake filled with whole food sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, not some high-priced juice where the antioxidants have long since been destroyed. And because I am getting those antioxidants with a generous dose of protein and phyto-nutrients, my blood sugar doesn't spike and my body has what it needs to rebuild and clear out toxins.

Beachbody is making fitness accessible and fun. We're making weight loss easier to achieve. Now for anyone who wants to eat healthy, lose or maintain their weight, and feed themselves the kind of nutrition which maximizes cellular health and function, get ready... Shakeology is coming soon at and through our fantastic Beachbody coaches.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Choose Who Gets $250,000!

The eight finalists of the 2008 Million Dollar Body Game have been posted for voting at!

Everyone can vote for the best male and female success story of the year who will each receive a quarter of a million bucks! (you just need a Team Beachbody log-in) And if you're looking to see why I think we will end the trend of obesity with programs like Power 90, Turbo Jam, Kathy Smith's Project: You and P90X, these eight Beachbody customers will leave no room for doubt, complaints or excuses. They will give you the inspiration to overcome just about anything to push play, to eat right, and the succeed with your program.

Good luck to the finalists, and I look forward to announcing the two $250,000 winners on March 14th at Beachbody Coach Summit!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Will I see you there?

I want to see if we can surpass the WOWY Super Gym record at 11AM ET/8AMPT Saturday March 7th.

It's the official start of "Dream Extreme Week" leading up to the big Summit. And it's a symbolic test to see if this bold idea of the Beachbody Revolution has yet achieved the power to get people engaged in their health and fitness.

Out of a network of over 16,000 coaches, thousands more of Team Beachbody members, plus friends, family and co-workers, can we get more than 522 people to workout at the same time?

I actually don't know. I think so. But I also know that it will take more than me blogging here about it. It will take more than me contacting a few key coaches about it. It will take real leadership from our founders. It will take leadership from our Diamonds. And it will take the enthusiasm of our Ruby and Emerald coaches to get the word out in every way possible from today through the event.

One workout on one Saturday. What's possible when we pull together? What's possible when at a minimum, everyone who reads this shows up and brings one person?

We'll find out when we kick it off in the WOWY Super Gym at 11AM ET/8AMPT Saturday March 7th for the official start of "Dream Extreme Week".

Will I see you there?

End The Trend

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Timing Matters

I woke up this morning at 4:45AM with alarms going off in my head. “Now. Right now. People need to start right now.” That is what I heard in my head, loud and clear and I couldn’t go back to sleep.

If you want to change your circumstance and come out of this economy with a completely redefined financial picture, now is the time to act. Now.

Screw the news about the economy. Economy-eschmonomy. When there is a shift in the marketplace, that’s the best time to take a bold step and redefine your personal situation.

Warren Buffet doesn’t buy stocks when the market is up. He buys them when they’re down. But opportunity is not all about stocks. When the marketplace turns upside down and is distracted by fear, that’s when you can take action to reposition yourself. It’s an opportunity to redefine your place in the market.

If you used to be on the bottom looking up at “the haves”, this is your chance to build a place for yourself, because “the haves” are in retreat. Disarray breeds opportunity for those who see through the near-term fear and take action.

The play right now is not to baton-down-the-hatches and just “weather the storm”. You’ve been doing too much of that anyway. Stop waiting for your chance - make your chance! Otherwise you will find yourself exactly where you were before the economy soured. The U.S. is gearing up for what I think will be a surge of creativity and productivity. That’s why this is a time to take action and position yourself for it; put the resources you have to work, be it expertise, faith in yourself, sweat, or some other value proposition. Leverage this amazing opportunity to improve your situation… but do it right now.

This is your moment, when the world broke open the existing infrastructure and is about to pour new cement to rebuild the foundation. Find opportunity and act on it. Lay your foundation for financial independence when the economy gets back to normal and things resume. Don’t get caught stuck in your prior role when the cement of this new foundation sets! You need to take action now!

These are the kind of moments that separate the people who achieve something from those who are always living at the effect of the world around them. And while I don’t like to talk about myself, let me say this: I have never been the latter. I have never lived at the effect of things. Yes, it takes persistence, focus, and courage not to simply follow, but to build something for yourself. But I don’t know how to live life any other way.

If you are tired of living without the absolute freedom you want. If you are tired of having to skimp and save, where your choices are limited by the next pay check or the mood of your employer, stop expecting so little of yourself and your life! It’s time to step up. Be bold. Step out of your comfort zone, and work to earn the freedom that’s waiting for you.

If I can do it, if any one of our coaches can do it, you can do it. You can have what you want, and this is the time to commit yourself to not just surviving, but to completely upgrading your situation and the situation of your family. The roles are shifting right now – so redefine your role before it gets defined for you by “the system.”

That’s the kind of control you have when you are fit and healthy. And that’s what being in control of your own financial destiny feels like. And for those that have joined the Beachbody Revolution, that’s what it feels like to be a coach who’s working it, working your butt off in stead of watching TV, spreading the word and building a business that pays checks every single week.

Now is the time to blow the doors off this trend of obesity because we have tools like Kathy Smith’s Project: YOU! Type 2, the world famous P90X, and the upcoming Shakeology, that will completely turn the $35 Billion weight loss industry upside down.

And now is YOUR time to get your share of it. I’m not kidding. Timing matters. Now is always the time.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sheryl Crow on The Red Carpet at Grammys

Is P90X a renaissance or what? We don't pay celebs to use the product. We don't even have a publicist.

Here's the red carpet interview last night at the Grammy's.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

We've Finally Made It...

...into the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition! (Mom will be so proud!)

This year's swimsuit issue comes out officially on Feb 13th, and inside you'll find a full page ad for P90X, the #1 fitness program in the country right now.

They had a great ad rate, and we couldn't pass the promotion up!

So if you're not a coach yet, once you see our ad gracing the pages of one of the most anticipated magazine issues of the year, you might want to sign up to take advantage of all that promotion!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Economic Upturn and the End of a Trend

It's tough to watch the news these days and feel like there's anything you can do but grab a donut and wait for someone to hand over your share of a bail out package.

U.S. jobless claims have surged to 26-year high. And factory orders plummeted in December. The Labor Department said first-time claims for state unemployment insurance benefits rose to 626,000 in the week ended January 31, the highest since October 1982.

Almost 2.6 million jobs were lost last year, the most since 1945. The unemployment rate jumped to 7.2 percent in December, the highest in 16 years, and is expected to keep climbing. A new survey by the National Association for Business Economics depicts the worst business conditions in the U.S. since the report's inception in 1982.

The layoffs continue: Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, and Sprint Nextel, the country's third-largest wireless provider, said they each will slash 8,000 jobs. Home Depot will get rid of 7,000 jobs. GM will cut 2,000 jobs at plants in Michigan and Ohio due to slow sales. Caterpillar announced 5,000 new layoffs. Microsoft will slash up to 5,000 jobs over the next 18 months - it's first layoffs, ever. Intel will cut up to 6,000 manufacturing jobs while Goldman Sachs notified 3,200 employees that they have been laid off. Bank of America has plans for cutting 30,000 jobs across the globe in 3 years.

That's what you hear about on the news, but it's not the whole story. There is another story, one of hope, achievment, and enthusiasm. That story is being written by thousands of Beachbody coaches growing in number and momentum. They are the cavalry. They refuse to sit back and "take it". Instead, while the global economy has been unraveling, Beachbody...

> Recruited over 10,000 Coaches, as independent business owners

> Paid over $15 million in Coach commissions

> Increased staff by 66%, hiring over 100 people in 2008 to support the growth of the network business.

> Co-published Kathy Smith's Project: You For Type 2 with the American Diabetes Association in a combined mission to improve ADA fundraising to find a cure for the disease, help prevent diabetes and to improve the lives of people affected by diabetes.

> Donated thousands of dollars for the care and feeding of orphans in Africa and the US.

> Developed multiple ground-breaking new products for release in 2009, including the "healthiest meal of the day", Shakeology.

> Celebrated the physical transformation of literally thousands of customers and coaches who sent in their photos and videos to show that our programs really work, and a healthy approach to diet and fitness is the best approach.

And we're just getting started.

We derive no pleasure from the state of the economy or the state of health and obesity in the US. Instead we are resolved to meet these challenges with creativity, enthusiasm, and relentless leadership. We are a committed to being the force behind the economic upturn and the end of the obesity trend by empowering the individual with the tools and support to succeed.

As we approach the Dream Extreme Summit in March, coaches like our founders continue to hold their own recruiting events to build momentum, and new coaches are working to recruit leaders to help us get the word out about Beachbody. All will be rewarded well for motivating people to get healthy and fit.

Beachbody and its coaches are on a roll, and this snowball is just getting started on a long steep slope toward enormous success. Get on board, and be a part of something exceptionally special, a true economic upturn and the end of a trend.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


REVOLUTION: Create Your New World!

The Encarta World English Dictionary describes the word “Revolution” as a major change, a dramatic change in ideas or practice, a complete turn-around.

We were all exposed to theories of revolutionary process by the time we entered grade school. We were taught that the American Revolutionary War was fought between 1775 and 1783 by colonists of the thirteen united former British colonies, against the Kingdom of Great Britain. The common goal of the colonists and their allies was to overthrow British rule and establish self-governance. Later, 1776 marked the creation of a new world nation. And it is because of our ancestor’s tenacious determination and focus that we enjoy life, liberty and pursue happiness today.

This great nation was built on a foundation of beliefs that no matter who your parents are, where you went to school, what race you are, your gender, height or weight, none of it matters because the tenets of free enterprise reward those who work harder and smarter. Conversely, just as free enterprise presents us all the opportunity to succeed, it also imparts the possibility of failure.

All around us, every day, evidence of success oozes from tiny crevices of modern society. However, success for most people is not an overnight realization. Even though we may read about jackpot winners, true long-term successes are created with the same tenacious determination and endurance as applied by our forefathers.

Here are a few of our nation’s contemporary success stories, which hopefully may cause you to ponder the notion of success. In his first 20 times at bat Willie Mays failed to get a hit. In their first year of majors, Ty Cobb hit .240, and Reggie Jackson hit .178. Dr. Suess was “declined” by 23 publishers before the 24th said yes. King Gillette invented the safety razor in 1903, but only sold 51 razors and 168 blades the first year. The first year of manufacturing Coca-Cola sold only 400 bottles of Coke. Paul Gavin’s battery business failed, he borrowed $750 went into business a third time and he called his new company Motorola.

I’m sure you get the point. We live in a tough and unpredictable world, and not everyone perceives situations and opportunities in the same manner as you. But if you’ve got a good idea and are willing to apply focused determination, just as our forefathers summoned the troops for their historic revolution, you can create your “Revolution” , achieve success, and then be privileged to observe the world as it benefits from your remarkable accomplishments.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

You Gotta Dream Extreme

It's time to lock in your plans for the 2nd annual Beachbody Coach Summit, titled "DREAM EXTREME" at Universal Studios in Hollywood March 14th!

It's going to be a great event to help our coach network maximize the momentum as we've crossed over the 16,000 coach mark! We’ve already added over 10,000 coaches since last year’s Summit.

We're calling the event "Dream Extreme" because the secret to achieving great things is to have dreams that are worth pursuing, dreams that are so big that you refuse to let anything get in your way. That's the way I feel about building the largest network of health and fitness peer support in the world! Nothing will stop us!

We’ve already seen more people transform their bodies than we could have imagined with our extreme programs like P90X® and ChaLEAN Extreme®. At this year’s Summit we’re launching the breakthrough meal replacement, Shakeology® (I LOVE IT!), giving personal tours of the new Beachbody headquarters, holding the biggest group workout in Beachbody history with seven all-star trainers, giving sneak peeks at some unbelievable new workouts, unveiling our exciting 2009 promotion plans, and doing some powerful business training.

Plus, we have one of the most dynamic speakers I’ve ever met and one of the motivational inspirations I turn to whenever I need a jump start to stay on track; Mr. Les Brown. And Saturday night we’re crowning the Million Dollar Body grand prize winners, giving away $800,000 in one hour!

If you're a coach, this event is the slingshot that makes the rest of the year happen. And if you're not a coach, now is the time to get signed up! Click here to become a coach, then sign up to join me at the Dream Extreme Summit in Los Angeles!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Why Network Marketing?

I love creating things, building something that will be productive and solve a problem. I also like building income over the long term. Creativity, contribution, and constant steady year-over-year growth... that's how I approach what I do.

Beachbody exceeded $300 million in sales last year, largely due to the success of infomercials like Turbo Jam, P90X, Ten Minute Trainer, Slim in 6 and Hip Hop Abs. We have the most compelling pipeline of new products and infomercial since we launched the company. So, why network marketing?

I believe the real opportunity in fitness is not in building a huge monolithic company that simply sells product to people. Companies have been trying to leverage fitness to build huge businesses for decades. Yet the obesity trend grows, and no fitness company has really succeeded in getting people to REALLY embrace what it takes to get healthy and fit. Not the equipment makers. Not the gym chains. Not the weight loss centers. Not even Beachbody. Yes, we continue to grow, infomercial by infomercial, selling great product to people, and we've had some amazing success stories. But many people still will start-then-quit just like everything else they've tried unless there is another dynamic at work.

That's what the Beachbody Coach Network is about -- adding the powerful dynamic of peer-support, the "Share" of "Play, Shake and Share", to help people stay accountable to their desire to get healthy and fit.

Our network marketing business is 16,000 coach-distributors strong and growing fast. We assign customer leads to qualified coaches (for free) when one of our TV customers says they want support to succeed with their program. The coach helps that customer set their start date, and stay accountable to consistency. Our coaches are not fitness experts or nutritionists -- but friends who care about revolutionizing how people approach their own health and fitness.

In exchange, in the future when those customer leads purchase another product from Beachbody, the coach gets the commission.

And it works. Anne Dovel sent me this email string... Amazing stuff:
From: Anne Dovel
To: Carl Daikeler
Subject: new customer lead

Hey Carl. Been a while since I’ve sent you a thumb’s up for everything you do. I thought you’d like to see a customer who is grateful for the coaching program. :) Thanks for everything. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. :) Anne

Hi Anne! I am proud of the difference that I see. I know I can do this. It just takes time and effort. I honestly can't thank you enough for all your help. I am really grateful that Beachbody started the coaching program because I don't know that I would have been able to do all this without your help. I know my husband was trying to help me but he couldn't really come up with a menu for me and he really doesn't understand where I am coming from about hating the way I look. You do because you are a mom too and I think that is so cool to talk to you. You understand so much more than anyone else I've talked too. But anyways I will talk to you later. I hope you get your knitting fixed.


Anne gets it, and now another customer has had success. As Anne said to Susan in a reply: "The reason Beachbody started the coaching was because they found out that someone had a greater chance of succeeding even if they just had someone to talk to who had been through the challenges they are going through!"

And it's a win-win that will continue to grow. I know that because I get so many emails like this one from part-time coach Joey Petri. While many coaches are still working their way to their first check and income is always a factor of skill and effort, here's a young coach who is one of the many people who are turning this opportunity into a dream job:
I just wanted to share this with you guys because I'm super excited.

I added up all my commission checks from 2008 and I earned $13,394.98!!! This is amazing to me and I know that 2009 will be an ever bigger and better year. This money allowed me to go to school full time and pursue a 2nd degree in Phys Ed, this allowed me to live in my place and not move home, this paid my bills and my gas. (Disclaimer I also had some help from my savings as a pharma rep.) This is going to make 2009 an amazing and exciting year. Thanks again for all of your support!!


P.S. Traci, I still remember our 5 minute conversation at Tony's Camp in NY and I told you about how I was considering going back to school for my phys ed degree. You said Beachbody would allow me the freedom to do what I want to do and I'm so thrilled and excited to continue to make that conversation, that dream, a reality.


So when people ask me "Why Network Marketing", I respond that it is an imperative. Growth is one thing, contribution is another. This business model has both, and instead of one giant company, we're going to be a company of a million coaches, each their own independent company, helping 100 million people get healthy and fit. That's what we will achieve, and that's why network marketing is a priority!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What Economic Downturn?

I got this email below from coach Judy Zavislak. Whenever someone writes me to say that a post within this blog motivated them to take action, or a Beachbody product or idea we created changed their life, or our customer service people turned a Beachbody complaint into a transformational transaction, I am grateful and proud of what we are building.

This email is juts another example that, the concept of using your own income potential as the motivation to get healthy in fit is for real. I hope more coaches see it that way - especially those who feel like the business is not yet serving them. in my experience, that usually means they haven't embraced the authenticity of the comprehensive approach to this lifestyle. Your example of health and fitness is what inspires people to believe that you are not selling them products, you are simply an example of what works.

Thanks Judy, and thanks to all our coaches who are spreading the word that Beachbody is the total solution! You are the ones who will enjoy the income in 2009 when this concept reaches its tipping point! Let the new Year's resolution rush begin!

Hi Carl. Well, today is the day that most people are thinking about 2009 and changes they would like to see in their lives. I can’t help but reflect back on my journey the past two years. At the end of 2006, I had reached a point where I just HAD to make a change. I’ve never been severely overweight, but I had around 15-20 pounds that plagued me ever since my daughter was born in 1997. Sure, I knew how to lose the weight. I did it SEVERAL times. What I didn’t know was how to make it STICK!

So, heading into 2007, I was looking for solutions. First I looked at what had worked in the past for me. The first thing that came to mind was the Beachbody message boards. When I’m reading and posting on a regular basis, I find that I’m more motivated to work out and eat right. So, I reconnected with some Beachbody friends, and started logging my workouts into WOWY. But, I had done all of that before, and had STILL lost focus. I needed more.

Then one day, I was reading your blog entries from December of 2006. The title was “The Miracle CEO Weight Loss System”. You had stayed consistent with your fitness program because now you were the CEO of a fitness company, and you were now offering that opportunity to all of us. This intrigued me, so I asked my coach (Traci Morrow) a few questions and decided to give it a try! I started my business with only my own accountability as my goal.

What an interesting two years it has been. I lost 20 pounds, and haven’t gained back more than a few pounds at a time. I work out consistently, and I’m constantly learning new ways to incorporate healthy habits into my lifestyle. So, your idea that this could work for anyone has certainly been true for me. As I’m encouraging the people I coach, it encourages me. I get so much more from these new friends than they will ever know. That alone would make it SO worth it, but the icing on the cake is that I’m able to make enough money to more than cover my mortgage each month! I got laid off from a job I worked at for over 20 years, so you have no idea how much it means to have at least that one bill covered.

For the first time in a long time, I’m ending the year excited about what I’ve accomplished and doubly excited for what is to come!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity!

Judy Zavislak

Monday, January 12, 2009

That Fabulous Foot

David Akers, the poster boy for what P90X can do on the stage of professional athletics, is blowing us away with NFL stats that continue to prove that talent plus extreme training are a potent combination:

> In 2007 BX ("Before P90X"), Akers went 1 for 6 from between 40 and 50 yards.

> In 2008 AX, ("After P90X") he has gone 8 for 10.

> "Field Goals Made" - went from #16 in 2007 to #3 this season.

> Scoring - went from #21 in the NFL to #2.

And he's not some 98 pound weakling kicker eaither. Anyone who saw him save a touchdownin the first quarter by hammering Bradshaw out of bounds.

To quote Jon Congdon, "Hmmm. Seems like the product worked for him."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Inspiration to Set Your Goal Now!

I got an email this morning from Beachbody Coach Perry Tinsely. It shows that in 2008, he didn't miss a single day in WOWY -- 366 red X's! Unbelievable and an incredible feat!
Here it is; Jan 1 2009, and that's enough inspiration to spark some creative goal setting. While I know 365 days a year of logging in will not work for me, can I log 20 a month? 240 for the year? It's a challenge, but I can go for it. That consistency will serve me well. And it's only possible because you give me the motivation and inspiration to go for it

And by the way, I really want to thank you for a great 2008.

Whether you're a Beachbody Coach, a member of Team Beachbody, or a Beachbody customer, I want to thank you for your support, your enthusiasm, and commitment.

We achieved amazing things in 2008, approaching 15,000 coaches, overcoming major obstacles, and surpassing overall sales targets. But the most exciting thing we discovered in 2008 is that our prospects are stronger than we even anticipated. The future looks so strong with the upcoming coach infomercial, the release of new products, and the unwavering strength of the community to inspire friends and family that health and fitness is possible right at home. When it comes to the health care and obesity crisis, the solution is people helping people plug into this the total package called Beachbody of fitness, diet, and peer support.

And we're proving that with the ChaLEAN Extreme Launch Party kick off Saturday, January 3rd. Coaches across the country are inviting people to their homes to kick off the New Year's Resolution season. At those parties and for months to come, Coaches and members will be inviting people to kick off a flight of ChaLEAN Extreme and surpassing the results they've achieved in gyms or with equipment by supporting each other through the process.

You can see where parties are happening right here at party central and track the action including footage and photos from coach house parties plus Chalene's launch party at her house here at the message boards!

No matter what you do to celebrate the new year and set an objective for yourself to achieve real exercise consistency in 2009, know that this CEO truly appreciates how you have taken responsibility for your health and fitness - no matter what stage of it you are in - and that together we can achieve so much in 2009! I'm going to go for 240 workouts, all logged into WOWY with a red X (That means I log the workout as I do it, rather than a blue X, which gets logged in later.)

Happy New Year. Post some great ChaLEAN Extreme Launch Party photos Saturday, and let's go for it in 2009!